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Upcoming Events

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Booking Options



Contact me directly at or WhatsApp message +44 (0) 7861670427 to book classes and events.

預約課堂和活動,直接以電郵 或 WhatsApp文字訊息  +44 (0) 7861670427 與我聯繫。


Yoga Class Etiquette


Please do not put shoes on your yoga mat to keep the mat clean. Yoga is practiced with bare feet, so take off your socks too.  Omochi Yoga and Wellness provides yoga mats.  Students are also welcome to bring their own yoga mats.

請保持墊子清潔,請勿將鞋子放在瑜伽墊上。 瑜伽是赤腳練習的,所以請也要脫掉襪子。  課堂提供瑜伽墊,亦歡迎同學自備瑜伽墊練習。


Please turn off Cell Phone in a class.




Class Changes or Cancellation



​Class booking subject to payment confirmation, and it cannot be changed after confirmation.  Cancellations or class changes made less than 48 hours prior to the beginning of class are invalid and students will be charged the full price for any registered classes that they miss or fail to cancel within the required time.

課堂預約以確認付款後為準,確認後不可更改。 取消或更改課堂必須於開課前至少48小時前完成。如學生於規定時間內未能出席課堂,不作退款。


Health Questionnaire and Health Disclaimer for Classes & Events



​All new joiners, please fill in the Health Questionnaire and Disclaimer form before joining the class, otherwise Omochi Yoga and Wellness has the right to refuse students to participate in the class.

所有新參加者,於上課前,請先填寫免責聲明表格,否則 Omochi Yoga and Wellness 有權拒絕學生參加課堂。


General Terms & Conditions



Once registered the classes or events, you are agreeing to our General Terms above.



(Updated 2024.05.15)

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