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June, July, August 2024

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Isle of Avalon - Glastonbury

Spiritual Retreat

July 17-20, 2024

Glastonbury is the heart chakra of the Earth. This retreat will be an opportunity to explore and connect to our own heart and the powerful energies of the Isle of Avalon.

This is a deep energy cleanse and retreat carrying the intention of Earth healing. Connect with your true nature, visit and pause for reflection at sacred sites around Glastonbury: the Tor, the white and red springs, Chalice Well, Abbey … , plus time to explore the unique shops along Glastonbury High Street and including Stretch & Relax Yoga class, Individual Reiki healing treatment, mindful guided walks and more.

Glastonbury (格拉斯頓伯里) 是地球的心輪。 今次Retreat將會是一個探索和連接自己內心及連接Avalon (阿瓦隆) 強大能量的機會。

這​是一個深層能量淨化及靜修,並帶有治癒地球嘅意圖。 聯繫您的真實本性,參觀Glastonbury的聖地並停下來思考及感受:The Tor,The White and Red Springs,Chalice Well, Abbey …,探索Glastonbury大街的獨特商店,以及包括伸展放鬆瑜伽課堂,個人靈氣能量治療,正念導賞等。


Date: July 17-20, 2024

💜 Glastonbury is the heart chakra of the Earth. We will be connecting to the powerful energies of the land of Avalon and the waters of Chalice Wells and White Springs as well as the Michael and Mary leylines.

This retreat will be an opportunity to explore and connect to our own heart.

You will be bathed in a safe, sacred, and deeply nurturing space during the retreat. This retreat is highly transformational, honouring ourselves individually but also gaining a sense of community and togetherness.

This is a retreat for anyone looking to enjoy the magic of Glastonbury and gain healing and growth. We will be staying in very nice and comfortable retreat house in town centre walking distance from the Tor, Chalice Well Gardens and White Spring.

There will be an opportunity to explore many shops full of wonders and crystals.

The Glastonbury Spiritual Retreat includes:

- Guided meditations for connection to Self

- 60min Stretch and Relax Yoga x 1 

- 30min individual Reiki energy healing treatment x 1

- Guided walks to various sacred sites: The Tor, Wearyall Hill, the White Spring, the Magdalene chapel, Chalice Well, Glastonbury Abbey …

- We will also have free time to explore the amazing shops along the old high street - stock up on essential oils, incense, oracle cards, crystal, spiritual book store etc..

❤️ The retreat is hosted bilingually in English and Cantonese


❤️ Places are limited, maximum 6 companion.  Please contact me for all enquiries!



The exchange for this adventure is £555.00 for 3 days 2 nights/ £666.00 for 4 days 3 nights. This will include accommodation, Return transportation fees from Bristol to Glastonbury, Guided meditation, Yoga class, Reiki energy healing session, Lunch on the second day and Entrance fee to the Chalice Well Gardens and Glastonbury Abbey.  And a few little surprises along the way.

A non refundable deposit of £100 will secure your place. Places are limited. Please contact Ivy Lee or all enquiries on WhatAspp 07861670427.  


Full Payment with a little gift.

After receiving your booking I will send a confirmation email, followed later by a guidance email (nearer the retreat date) including details of our meeting point in Bristol Bus and Coach station.


All of the events I offer carry the intention of earth healing through helping people connect to their true nature, their 'real' Self, open heart.

Take a few breaths and tune into your intuition before booking a place to stay 💚❤️


We will take public transport from Bristol to Glastonbury.



We will be staying in very nice and comfortable retreat house in town centre walking distance from the Tor, Chalice Well Gardens and White Spring.

CONTACE ME directly at or WhatsApp message +44 (0) 7861670427 to secure your place.

名額有限,報名及詳情請以電郵 或 WhatsApp文字訊息  +44 (0) 7861670427 與我聯繫。


All of the events I offer carry the intention of earth healing through helping people connect to their true nature, their 'real' Self, open heart.

💚Take a few breaths and tune into your intuition before booking a place to stay 💚


(Updated 2024.04.25)

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